Wish-list of sawfly samples 2009

1. Larvae and galls of willow-galling sawflies from North America, Russia, and Asia. Samples of common Phyllocolpa, Pontania, Eupontania, and Euura species that have been used in ecological research are especially welcome (1-5 individuals per species is enough). However, the galler species name needs not to be known, as long as the willow species is identified and the gall type is known. Dried vouchers of galls and host plants are necessary in addition to the larva in alcohol.


2. Fenusini & Heterarthrini leafminers from America and Asia, larvae or adults (1-5 ind. in 70-100% alcohol)


3. South American, North African, and Asian Nematinae species, larvae or adults in alcohol, including:

-Megadineura spp.

 -Katsujia spp.


4. Other internal-feeding or gall-inducing sawflies (larvae or adults in alcohol), for example:

-Blennogeneris spissipes

-Lycaota spp.


5. Locality information on the occurrence of sawfly galls on creeping arctic-alpine willows (Salix herbacea, S. polaris, and S. reticulata) in the mountains of Central Europe (Scotland, Ireland, Alps, Pyrenees, Tatras, etc.). Examples of sawfly galls on S. herbacea and S. reticulata can be found at http://www.joensuu.fi/biologia/nyman/Euurina.htm



Tommi Nyman


Faculty of Biosciences

University of Joensuu

P.O. Box 111

FI-80101 Joensuu



Phone: +358 40 520 6540 (mobile) / +358 13 251 3582 (office)


E-mail: Tommi.Nyman [at] joensuu.fi


Homepage: http://www.joensuu.fi/biologia/nyman