Pältsa 1992
Kobuk River 1995
Kyllä Siperia Opettaa 1996
Yukon 1999
Canada Transect 2003
Skiing trip to Swedish Lapland in the spring of 1992. Photo: Seppo Männistö.
Bird banding as a volunteer for the US Fish and Wildlife Service around Kotzebue, Kobuk River, and Noatak River. Photo: Mike Schnorr.
Siberia Will Teach You 1996 - 2-month train trip to eastern Siberia. Lake Baikal in August. Photo: XXXXXXXXXXX.
Yukon Longa Vita Brevis 1999 - paddling trip from Faibanks to Emmonak, 1750 km. Photo: Jani Honkanen
Train-based collection trip across Canada. In Churchill sawfly collecting was made more exciting by resident polar bears.